In a Nutshell
In a Nutshell
1. Venezuela
People are starving, inflation is at record-setting highs, some 2 million percent in 2018, as an example, the government is fudging elections, passing laws to keep people it likes in power and kick people out it doesn’t, and massively repressing any opposition.. Millions of citizens are fleeing for Colombia and other Latin American countries (primarily)..
You’re looking at a murder rate that is similar to Baltimore city, Maryland. It’s one of the highest murder rates per capita in the Americas. These murder statistics include civilians killed by various police and military forces. The reported number of fatalities by law enforcement range from a few hundred to several thousand - it depends where you’re getting your information. See this NYT article for more.
How badly are people starving? How did such a wealthy, democratic nation get to this place? Was it socialism that brought Venezuela to its knees?
Disclaimers because that's my personality: I'm still learning how to tell a good, unbiased, honest story, and I haven't gotten podcast music yet so, things are a little dull. Also.. I'm not great at audio editing yet :grimace: BUT - If you like the subject matter.. stick with me! And if you have suggestions on how to make things better, please send them my way.
Take care,